At a time when the world of Vacation Rental is growing exponentially and that of the "traditional" hoteliers is suffering, those from either side of the fence who have a good structure can give their potential guests the opportunity to virtually visit their own spaces, different from the competition that "static" photographs usually offer and which does not always correspond to reality.
With a virtual visit, nothing is hidden and the customer really has the opportunity to enjoy the holiday environment they are entering and visiting them from your computer, iPad or even the smartphone.
The "dollhouse view" mode allows you to see the structure in its entirety and on all floors, as if it had no walls.
All footage from Virtooall can also be inserted on Google Maps/Google Street View, thus making the visit possible, even during closing hours and from all over the world.
Virtooall is certified by Google to provide 360-degree shooting services.
Contact us for more information.